Welcome to 2 Shoot the Target, our concealed carry courses for adults. Our courses include all the requirements for a concealed carry permit in the state of Ohio. We also include information on firearms safety. Participants walk away comfortable that they are familiar with their firearm, understand the laws and carry responsibly and safely.
You choose the course type that you fits your time schedule and the way in which you prefer to learn. All courses are NRA certified and will provide you with the training and paperwork to receive your Ohio CCW license.
Group Courses Ohio CCW
Group courses consists of small groups of three to ten participants. Courses include instruction, take home materials, and range time to qualify. Courses are taught in one 12 hour session with time for lunch.
Cost: $75.00
Ammo Requirements: 100 rounds of 22 Long Rifle. You can purchase ammo on your own or purchase during the class.
Lunch: Lunch is provided.
Discounts for Specialized Groups
Do you have a group of educators, women in peril, church groups, youth organizations and informal educators that need more specialized training in situations unique to their profession, situation or interests. Requirements are the same as above however the instruction will be tailored to the group needs.
Cost: Negotiated
Ammo Requirements: 150 rounds of 22 Long Rifle. You can purchase your ammo on your own or purchase during the class.
Lunch: Bring a sack lunch.
Individual Courses for CCW
Individual courses are taught one on one. Courses include instruction, take home materials, and range time to qualify. Courses are taught in one 12 hour session with time for lunch. The instruction will include all the necessary requirements for the CCW license and will be tailored to the individual's comfort level if they are beginner or advanced.
Cost: $200.00
Ammo Requirements: 100 rounds 22 Long Rifle. You can purchase your ammo on your own or purchase during the class.
Lunch: Lunch is provided.
New Firearm Owners
This is an instruction session for new firearm owners, those who want to know more about firearms and safety. Instruction will include shooting various types of firearms, competitive shooting, target shooting, hunting, how to hold firearms, aiming, and sights. This course is recommended before you purchase your first firearm or those new to firearms and want to bring up their comfort level. This is a firearm appreciation course. This is a five hour course.
Cost: $75.00
Ammo Requirements: To be arranged.
Snack: Provided
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